Post: A post includes a short-form piece of content that is posted to the Client’s LinkedIn profile via the “Write a Post” box on main news feed of the Client’s account.
LinkedIn Article: A LinkedIn article is a long-form piece of content (250-word minimum) that is curated and posted to the Client’s LinkedIn profile.
Network Management: The network section on LinkedIn is where the account holder can view and manage their “invitations to connect" sent by other LinkedIn users. The FAME Focus team will review and monitor invitations to connect on behalf of the Client.
Social Engagement: Social engagement is your interaction with other users on LinkedIn. Your interaction includes commenting and engaging on your own posts and LinkedIn article(s) and/or liking, sharing, commenting, and engaging on other users’ posts and LinkedIn articles.
Monthly Report Summary: The monthly report summary will include a review of the posts and article(s) shared on the Client’s profile in the given month. For Clients that selected the Premium package, the monthly report summary will also include metrics (profile views, post views, likes/shares/comments).
Messaging Management: The messaging section on LinkedIn is where the account holder can view and manage their inbox messages sent by other LinkedIn users. The FAME Focus team will review and monitor the inbox on behalf of the Client.
Profile Optimization: Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is like providing it the essential vitamins it needs to grow and be strong. The FAME Focus team will review and update the Client’s profile summary, work & volunteer experience sections, accomplishment section, profile banner image, licenses & certificates sections, and profile settings to ensure a strong, optimal profile. The stronger your LinkedIn profile, the more likely your profile will appear in the search results of recruiters and other LinkedIn users.
Brand Identity: The FAME Focus team will use the Questionnaire completed by the Client as a resource to ensure that all content and the tone/style of communication appear to be native to the Client to maintain brand identity amongst other LinkedIn users.